Thursday, December 2, 2010

Moving Tip of the Week: 5 Common Moving Mistakes to Avoid

It's never too early to begin your planning process if you are gearing up for a move. In fact, the sooner you start planning, the more smoothly your move will go. As a Cincinnati Moving company, there are several common mistakes, however, that we see time and again from customers. You can benefit from reviewing what they are and avoiding them.

  • Being disorganized: Use a folder or binder to keep track of everything having to do with your move. This should include your receipts, paperwork, relocation information and anything else pertaining to your move. Without this, it's easy to get overwhelmed and lose important information that you might need for your employer or for your accountant.

  • Blowing the budget: Have you sat down and created a budget for your move? Moving can be more expensive than you thought, especially if you factor in turning on/off utilities, gas, any lodging during the trip, etc. Think of everything you can and list it. If you don't create a budget, you might find yourself short on cash and unable to complete the move on your timeline.

  • Choosing low quality movers: Did you check references and reviews? Are they a company or a fly-by-night organization? Can you reach customer service when you need to? Make a list of what's important to you during your move and then investigate who can give you the most value.

  • Moving too many things: It's simple, really. If you don't need it, don't move it. Have a yard sale and make a few bucks before you move. Give away what you don't need. Just don't move it if you don't need to.

  • Not communicating your new address: Changing your address is more than giving it to the Post Office. Make a list of everything that uses your address (school, doctor, accountant, magazines, etc.) and then create a note to send you new address to them all.
From all of us at the Move Cheap® Cincinnati Movers, we hope your move is a great one!

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