Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Flat Screen Television Revolution!

So much has changed in the television industry since we opened our doors in 2005.  Gone our the days of the monstrous Sony Trinitrons, and have today met their successors with flat screen television sets that weigh many, many times less.  What does this mean for you?

As technology has advanced, so has the delicacy of the television.  That's why your Move Cheap® Cincinnati Movers recommend keeping the manufacturer's original box that you television came in.  It is NEVER a good idea to transport your TV with out the proper protection.  We've unloaded many trucks coming in to Cincinnati from out of town only to find the customer's $1500 investment destroyed by a cracked screen, or the tv smashed altogether because it wasn't properly protected.  Whether it's a local move or a long distance move, the protection of your TV is important.  The original manufacturers box typically comes with Styrofoam inserts specifically design for that television.

In the event that you can't find your original box, or you disposed of it, U-Haul has created an affordable and great solution.  The Flat Screen TV Box is expandable to fit most sets, and it also comes with Styrofoam inserts to protect the set while in the box.  This is an invaluable tool and we recommend it to all of our customers.  Best of all, the prices isn't bad either!  At just $19.95, you can protect your wallet from possibly shelling out several hundred to several thousand dollars for a new TV.

From all of us at the Move Cheap® Cincinnati Movers, we hope your move is a great one!